SEA 2021
19th Symposium on Experimental Algorithms
7-9 June 2021
Welcome to the website of the 19th International Symposium on Experimental Algorithms (SEA 2021).
SEA (International Symposium on Experimental Algorithms), previously known as Workshop on Experimental Algorithms (WEA), is an international forum for researchers in the area of the design, analysis, and experimental evaluation and engineering of algorithms, as well as in various aspects of computational optimization and its applications.
The Conference was originally planned to be held at the Castle of Valrose, in the Campus of the Université de Nice Sophia Antipolis (Université Côte d'Azur); because of the COVID-19 pandemic, the conference will be held online.
The proceedings of the conference have been published as volume 190 of LIPIcs.
Invited Speakers

Dominik Kempa is currently a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Johns Hopkins University. Prior to joining JHU, he was a Postdoctoral Scholar at the University of California in Berkeley, and before that, at the University of Warwick. He obtained a Ph.D. in Computer Science in 2015 at the University of Helsinki. His research interests are in string algorithms, data compression, compressed data structures, bioinformatics, and parallel and external-memory algorithms. He is interested both in theoretical as well as experimental research and has published nearly 40 papers, including papers at venues such as STOC, FOCS, and SODA. As part of his research in experimental algorithms, he implemented a collection of parallel and external-memory algorithms on strings. He also maintains a blog devoted to implementation of algorithms. His Ph.D. thesis received the Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Award at the University of Helsinki, and during his doctoral studies, he was selected the Junior Researcher of the year in the Department of Computer Science. He has served as a PC member at several international conferences (e.g., SEA'17, SPIRE'18, CPM'20, CSR'20). In 2019, he was an invited speaker at the Dagstuhl Seminar "25 Years of the Burrows-Wheeler Transform".

Petra Mutzel has received her Ph.D. in Computer Science at the University of Cologne in 1994, followed by a PostDoc position at the Max Planck Institute for Informatics in Saarbrücken. From 1999 to 2004, she has been a full professor of Algorithms and Data Structures at the Vienna University of Technology, from 2004 to 2019 a full professor for Algorithm Engineering at TU Dortmund University, and since 2019 she is a full professor of Computational Analytics at the University of Bonn, where she is also the scientific director of the High Performance Computing and Analytics Lab at the Digital Science Center of the University of Bonn. Her research focuses on algorithm engineering, algorithmic data analysis, and combinatorial optimization for graphs and networks. Currently, the main application areas are in cheminformatics, social and biological network analysis, network design, graph drawing, statistical physics, and geodesy. She is an Associate Editor of the ACM Journal on Experimental Algorithmics, Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications (JGAA), Mathematical Programming Computation (MPC), and the EURO Journal on Computational Optimization. She is a member of the Steering Committees of ESA, ALENEX, and WALCOM. She is also a member of the supervisory board of CISPA, the advisory board of the Fraunhofer SCAI, and the scientific advisory board of FRIAS. In 2000, she got the research award “Technische Kommunikation 2000” from the Alcatel SEL Foundation for Communication Research.

Blair D. Sullivan is an Associate Professor in the School of Computing at the University of Utah. Prior to joining Utah, Dr. Sullivan was an Associate Professor at NC State University, and before that a Research Scientist at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. She received her Ph.D. in Mathematics from Princeton University in 2008 as a Department of Homeland Security Graduate Fellow, and B.S. degrees in Applied Mathematics and Computer Science from Georgia Tech in 2003. Sullivan’s research cross-cuts the fields of data-driven science, parameterized graph algorithms, network science, and algorithm engineering with a recent focus on problems arising in computational genomics. In 2014, Sullivan was named one of 14 Moore Investigators in Data-Driven Discovery. She currently serves on the Steering Committee for SODA, and recently ended terms as Vice-Chair for both the SIAM SIAG on Discrete Mathematics and the SIAG on Applied & Computational Discrete Algorithms.
Thanks to our sponsors, the participation to the conference was free of charge.

Some recipes of Nice's cuisine