Organizing Committee
Program Committee
- Bläsius, Thomas - KIT, Germany
- Buchin, Maike - Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany
- Çela, Eranda - Graz University of Technology, Austria
- Coudert, David - INRIA Sophia Antipolis, France
- D'Angelo, Gianlorenzo - GSSI, Italy
- Faro, Simone - University of Catania, Italy
- Festa, Paola - University of Naples Federico II, Italy
- Gavoille, Cyril - Université de Bordeaux
- Georgiadis, Loukas - University of Ioannina, Greece
- Kulekci, Oguzhan - İstanbul Technical University, Turkey
- Le Merrer, Erwan - INRIA Rennes, France
- Leucci, Stefano - Università dell'Aquila, Italy
- Meyerhenke, Henning - Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany
- Minato, Shin-Ichi - Kyoto University, Japan
- Natale, Emanuele - I3S, France
- Navarro, Gonzalo - University of Chile, Chile
- Pilipczuk, Marcin - University of Warsaw, Poland
- Porat, Ely - Bar-Ilan University, Israel
- Poss, Michael - LIRMM, France
- Resende, Mauricio G. C. -, USA
- Ribeiro, Celso C. - U. Federal Fluminense, Brasil
- Sadakane, Kunihiko - Univesity of Tokyo, Japan
- Schmid, Stefan - University of Vienna, Austria
- Scornavacca, Celine - ISEM, France
- Simon, Bertrand - CC-IN2P3, France
- Storandt, Sabine - University of Konstanz, Germany
- Tamaki, Hisao - Meiji University, Japan
- Wagler, Annegret K. - Isima - Limos, France